I chuckled when I saw that I am a Wanderer.

I am new and may be a lurker. I am new to the 'idea' of becoming a pet photographer.
No nothing I thought of just today, had been considering it, but deciding to embark on it.

I am reading How to Make Money with your Camera by Arndt, and I also checked out a few Digital Photography books from the local library.
I told the lady I am going to burn up my renewals on these books.

Anyway - my equipment isn't too high tech.
Kodak Easyshare P850, A Canon Rebel TI 35mm SLR (I have soo much to learn with it), uh one WireFox Terrier, Two Parrots and neighbors with pets - lol. Oh yeah I have an Olympus Camedia that is 3.2 megapix.

So I won't be diving into the endzone with a high tech camera to catch that great touchdown shot, but I am SURE trying to catch good shots of loved creatures should be just as comedic, action packed, frustrating, and fun.

I browsed the forums before joining, beautiful shots.

I have a lot to learn with everything from pricing photos (even as a hobbyist - until I full open the biz), to getting those labels on the fronts of the photos (that's the copy writing stuff, right?)

Okay I'll read as much as I can...
