Sorry aboput the late response as I was out of town photographing.

The cruise boats are set up for photography and it is about the only way to p[hotograph the Kenai Fjords National Park. There are several different companies to take you out. Big boats are more stable but smaller boats gets you closer. The full day cruise takes you more places and allows more photography of whales. Both the day and 1/2 day cruise takes you to Hobart glacier for you to photograph the glacier calving. The photo ops are whales, dolphins, glaciers calving, about 130 species of birds and fantastic scenery. The Chiswell Islands are great to photograph. For variety of photo ops, I recommend the full day cruise. I go out and photograph the Kenai Fjords National Park about once per year for the last 24 years and live only 2 hours from there. My favorite company to take me out there is Renown Tours. Their phone number is (907) 224-3806.

David Ramey Photography