Hi Duane,

I am a Canon owner as well. I started off with Olympus and jumped ship when the Canon EOS d30 came out. I was not satisfied with the image output of the E-10, though I LOVED the build quality and ergonomics of the camera. Iwas shooting weddings and needed the flexibility - the Nikon D1 was still 4995 and I could not afford that...and I did not like the feel of the Fuji S1 (the other alternative) though the image quality was excellent. As I was shooting weddings, I needed a camera that could keep up with me. The big problem the d30 and d60 had was poor AF and I was more than happy to jump to the 10d when it came out.

I currently am using two EOS 20ds and am about to make a decision as to whether or not to purchase a 5d. I like the size and feel of the 20d/5d over the larger 1 series cameras.

In addition to the camera itself, I also own:

(1) Canon 28-70L (purchased the month prior to the announcement of the 24-70L).
(2) Canon 16-35 F2.8 (My second lens during a wedding shoot)
(3) Canon 70-200 F2.8 - my primary wildlife lens with 1.4 and 2x converters as well as my close-up lens for weddings.
(4) Canon 10-22 EF-s lens - my ultra-wide angle lens. I still have a love hate relationship and will be interested in comparing it to the 16-35.
(5) Canon 50mm F1.8 - my favorite 70 dollar lens.
(6) Canon 28-135 IS - Back-up lens to my 28-70 during events.

That is about all...I think. LOL.