Why wait until PMA? Here is what I think you should do, starting first with, listing your needs (what are you going to shoot most often, size weight, etc.), prioritize them, set a budget, generate a list of camera's, purchase the camera, start shooting.

In general, and unless you know something that most don’t about new information in the camera industry, you need to make a decision and get shooting. Obviously, it's never too late to get a new body or new camera, technology is changing and improving all the time, but the only way to improve your skills and make great images is to shoot. If you are not shooting, you are not creating great images. If you’re not creating great images, it matters little about what's going to happen at PMA.

That said, PMA does allow you to handle many different units, if that's important to you, but you won’t learn much until you really use one for a while.

I'd get a good well-respected unit that has the functions you need and buy it now.

I shoot all nikon and I do keep up with the new equipment. I like nikon and chose nikon because of its insistence on build quality and reliability. Nikons are tough and reliable. To date, I never have had a critical field failure (knock on wood) of a nikon product in more than 15 years. Morover, they have good product support and their gear is available all over the modern world.

Just my thoughts.
