Tomorrow, Rowdy celebrates his 11th Birthday and because today is Valentines Day, we start the celebration early and continue it for as long as we can. Today, he and I went for a walk on our Nature Trail. Temps were in the low 70s, bright sun, light breeze. In short, a lovely day for a walk with my favorite guy.

As we emerged from the wooded trail into a clearing along Shingle Creek, we spotted two Duckies that were nice enough to wish him a quacking good Birthday.

On the bank to their left was an Egret giving us the eye but staying on the ground along the stream.

Watching them, from high on one of the power line poles, was an Eagle.

As we strolled along the trail, Rowdy heard some noise behind us and immediately went into his "guard dog" pose.

Once he saw that it was a couple with their Golden Retriever girl, this is how he greeted them.

The three of them joined us for the remainder of the walk and Rowdy had a ball chasing his new girlfriend -- and being chased in return. Right now, he's snoring in the hallway.

Tonight, we go to one of our favorite restaurants to dine on the patio with Mr. R and a bunch of friends. I suspect he'll eat very well tonight. Eleven is pretty old for a Rottie but Rowdy is in excellent health and excellent shape so we're going to enjoy everything this life has to offer for as long as he is able. Please join me in wishing him a very Happy 11th Birthday.


Jim Garvie