Denali National Park News:
All of Denali National Park open to snowmachines
Recent snowfalls have allowed the opening Friday of the entire area of Denali State Park to the use of snowmachines.

Glacier National Park News:
More snow on the way
A winter storm warning is in effect for Flathead County, West Glacier and the Bob Marshall region until Monday.

There's Gold In Them Thar Glacier
Canadian mining company discovers a potentially rich gold vein near Glacier National Park, raising pollution concerns
Glacier National Park is known for vast natural resources, but they're usually of the wild and scenic kind. But a recent gold discovery just ten miles north of the park threatens to have miners salivating and nature lovers frothing at the mouth.

Misc. National Park News:
Where to Find Your Christmas Feast in the National Park ‘Tis the season for quiet and peace, snowy woods, frosty starry nights, time with loved ones, festive activities, and eating way too much food. What better way to accomplish all that than to spend the holidays at a national park?

Parks step up permit game, so be ready
The solution to the people-crush at America's most-loved parks is a combination of lotteries, advance registration and quotas. Now is the time to get the system wired for 2010.

New Coalition Brings Groups Together to Push for Water Stewardhip in Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, Everglades, and Puget Sound
There was a news event earlier this week that seemed to sail under the radar, but it's something to keep an eye on. A large coalition of groups has come together to lobby for the waters that flow through Everglades National Park, the parks and lakeshores that dot the Great Lakes and touch the Chesapeake Bay, as well as many other watery ecosystems across the country.

Yellowstone National Park News:
Scientists Map Yellowstone Magma Plume
Information from a vast seismograph network confirms a magma plume extends at least 500 miles below Yellowstone National Park, scientists say.

Town in transition
It is no breakfast of champions — a bag of cheese puffs and a large soda — but it’s enough to charge Quincy Quintero’s battery as he works assembling a snowmobile on a chilly November morning.

Lack of snow threatens Yellowstone winter-season opening
The lack of snow on the western side of Yellowstone National Park has officials scrambling to come up with a game plan for transporting visitors within the Park when the winter season opens Tuesday.

Schweitzer tells livestock group that lobbyists have stalled help
Gov. Brian Schweitzer told members of a conservative livestock association Friday that he has pushed an agenda favorable to their industry but repeatedly run into opposition from the group's lobbyists.