Composition – Good placement of the fisherwoman. The rocks at the bottom right is a little off. I just read in Outdoor photographer that if you think your close enough to your anchor point….get closer. 
Reflections are nice, but there is a bit of a tilt to the right of the entire feel of things. I would use the WARP tool in photo shop to bring up the right side of the bank a bit to not have that “listing to the right” feel. As was pointed out earlier, the exposure of the grass on the other side is pretty hot. This adds a bit to the composition being a bit off, as colors and brightness levels all play a role in the overall balance of a photo.
Exposure – Looks good, nice base exposure to capture both the highlights and the shadows. I am sure the grass on the other side can be toned down in a blend.
Post Processing – There seems to be a bit of a yellow cast to the entire scene. Not over the top, but enough to sap some of the punch out of all the colors. I might have played with two shot of this, one with a polarizer and one without and blending the two together. Keep the reflections on the water with the non polarizer shot, and tame the grasses, and the rocks in the foreground with the polarized shot. Just some suggestions.

I like the pink contrast quite a bit. All in all well done.
