Hum, i'd say be a bit more selective about what youre photogarphing? I dont mean that in a bad way as I'm in the camp believes fire power is 1 hit, not 50 misses. That said, it's strange how many times I've had the first and the last shots of the sequence be the best, no matter how many came inbetween. I try to appoach every shot with my gut, I seem to get more and better keepers if I just shoot instinktevely.
As per the solution to your problem, I just use my Laptop and carry about 8 gigs (some 2 gig and some 1 gig cards).
I also shoot JPG when I know I can nail the exposure. I'f I'm in doubt about exposure or White Balance, I shoot raw, otherwise I shoot jpg, and yes I have the proof that this methods works. . .
Good luck, I'm headed from Glacier park - today - to canada for the weekend, lucky me!!!!!!!!!!!!