Roman - Thanks for explaining so well. You're right on. We were out shooting at the same time - I can tell by your image (plus I checked EXIF).

I went outside when the moon was fully obscured by the shadow. It was quite a dark orb with some mottled orange glow showing through. The shadow continued to slowly migrate to the Right and eventually the Left rim of the moon began to really fire up. By that time I'd been shooting, checking my LCD and essentially trying to find the shutter speed that would work best. I couldn't change any of the other parameters as everything was max'd out.

I was disappointed with my images at first, but remembered that a lunar eclipse is not nearly as dramatic as a solar eclipse. The moon's beauty is not enhanced by a lunar eclipse, it is progressively obscured.

The images I posted above are exactly what I saw through the lens and looking at Roman's image confirms it. I really appreciate being able to compare images and learn from the process.