Hey Everyone,

I am glad that we have been discussing this. I think that the issue of safety is quite legitimate...not only for myself and Chanthee, but the other critter involved.

Looking back at the situation, I will not disagree that I was definitely on 'the edge.' Given the situation that I was sitting with a ranger, who had bear spray and a taser, and given the cover that we had, I did not feel like I was in any danger at the moment. However, I think we can all agree that you never want to be in the situation when you have to rely on any of these as they are hardly 100% reliable in terms of protection.

I also think that the bear felt that I was no threat at any given time, and was generally not at all interested in any of us. I was there watching the guy for about 2 hours in mid-afternoon sun. He was quite content eating grubs and plant life. However, I think that there is no question that had I been alone that I would have handled the situation differently. Also, had it been earlier in the season, or had it been a sow with cubs, I would have been even more cautious. I don't want to be taken out of the poor guy's belly in a garbage bag (for those of you who did not see Grizzly Man, it is a worth while rental).

I think that if you can fill the frame at 400mm, even with the 1.6 crop, you are definitely cutting it close...and if you are by yourself, it is definitely too close. Yellowstone rules indicate 100 yards for carnivores...and I think that this number should be used with discretion. It is not 'all or nothing.' There has to be good judgment exercised in any event. There are many times when I think 100 yards is no where near enough.

I think that I was a tad closer than this - but not by too much. As folks have guessed, these images are all cropped - though some of them are more so than others.
