Hey Dee Dee,

My(ok, so its not MINE, I don't sell it!) "magic" oil, Neem oil/extract/cream, does wonders in soothing and promoting hair growth. AND most specifically is a great detriment to mangey type situations.
I learned of this natural oil 10 years ago, when litter showed up with a few pups with demodex mange. Very strange, and I was referred to a rottie breeder in Georgia? Who swore by natural Neem products.
They've done well with hotspots, for the few times my guys have gotten them, but the demodex, on the one puppy treated with Neem was gone within 1.5 months. The other puppy, treated by the vet chemical Rx, still was fighting it at 6 months. He died at 7. While the littermate was still thriving. Chemical stuff, I stay FAR away from. They carry Neem now, at Vitamin Cottages, and most natural grocers.