After a life time of being out of the loop in the horse world, I've sort of fallen back in. This Shetland Pony was surplus at the property he was kept on, he was only there as a paddock-mate to keep some show horses company and no longer wanted or needed.

I don't plan to ride him, just keep him healthy and with some luck train him as a harness pony in the future, he is only aged seven. He is a feisty pony and they could not place him anywhere as suitable for children. He is branded (Stud Book breeding) so I could show him in harness or led classes if I had the time to go that way. This snapshot is at his home paddock, couldn't get close enough to put a hand on him. Be a shock to his independent little system next week when he comes home to live in a pony yard and learn about manners and such.