I don't really have a problem with people carrying guns in Parks, it would be the idiots that use them for the wrong purpose...but then isn't it that way anywhere in the US?
There have been police officers that have used guns in the incorrect manner as well as DNR officers, so with the thinking all guns should be banned then of course they too would not have guns?...Yah,right!
Guns don't kill animals or people, so maybe we should ban people.
The point is I have a couple of guns, I do not take them into parks, but if I did it would be for protection from wildlife that I would feel threatened from, be it wolves or bears. I am not a hunter as I lost that desire 20 years ago, now I take my camera.
I might like to take my gun with me if I:
1. Felt that I would be threatened overnight in a Park as animals larger than me might think I would be food or I had food
2. Felt that I would be more comfortable in the woods with a gun as my photography might alarm a big animal.
With all that said, it wouldn't bother me if I was allowed to take a gun into a Park and if others had one as well, then I would feel safer with one.

Nolad Mechadesh