Hey Jim,

LOL, 'cheap' and 'nice' are often different things. West Yellowstone definitely has a range of different places. If you are looking for 'cheap,' try the 3 Bears. Chanthee and I stayed there last year for about 55/night. It is a place to flop but has all of the basics...which is generally all I need.

If you are looking for something on the high end, try the Hibernation Station. It is pricey, but the rooms are spectacular. Prices were very reasonable the first time we booked there - they have nearly doubled since. The outside looks cheesy, but the suites are large and clean.

There are many places to examine in the middle also. There are several large hotel chains in West Yellowstone these days.

As to places to go - I have never gone that early in the season. Later on in the summer, you will have several large elk herds just inside the West Gate. For buffalo, try the hayden valley near the mud pots. They are often around the midway geyser basin also. For bear, the area from Mammoth to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone have been where I have been most successful.
