Very cool Jim. Brings me back to my Black Lab we had as part of our family for 18 years, her name was Blue. She had one litter when young. My setup was no where near as elaborate as yours, our was a refrigerator box. She would never enter the box until that night. She went in and started the process. She ended up having 10 pups, 5 male & 5 female. She took a break after exactly 5, went out to do her business (which we kept a close eye on of course) then came back and had the other 5. When she passed away at 18, we buried her ashes under a new Nellie Stevens Holly tree and because she loved Christmas so much, we decorate the tree every year with blue lights. Her stocking gets hung every year still also. A long story but this is exactly how I got into Pet Photography. We never had a real nice portrait of her.

Anyway, can't wait to see the pups!