there's no question that when it's your job to go to the shoot location, you go. Period. Maybe you can make up the additional expense in pricing and maybe you can't. But there is no choice but to go.

For those of us who also shoot for pleasure, the thought of driving 3 - 4 hrs. just to shoot in the Everglades is daunting right now. To drive to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Alaska? Totally out of the question.

So, I focus closer to home. I look for places I can bicycle to. I carry my gear in a backpack instead of the Pelican 1510 Case. I look small instead of large-scale. I try to see things in my own environment that are interesting from a different perspective.

Now, that doesn't get me into the wild -- although some might argue that having 15 Rottweilers in my house is pretty wild (8 puppies) -- but it does make me use my brain and my eyes instead of relying on the grandeur of the locale. Not that I wouldn't love to be able to shoot in Yellowstone. But right now, it doesn't make economic sense to be able to do so.

Unless, of course, you had a better solution . . .


Jim Garvie