I'm pleased that you people like the shot. I must say that over the course of the last 8 years, i'v shot that mountain and that location 100 times and this one has to be the best of the bunch.

Quick story about the shot, (I feel stupid about this, but I'll tell it anyhow) as I was headed up the two med road to shoot the lake (it was my destination), I arrived to the lake a couple minutes late as I soon learned. I turned to check the light as the the sky above and behind me started to glow, the clouds were turning deep orange and the sky just went creamy, at that time I was only outside my truck getting my gear ready thinking I had a few more minutes; I glanced over at a mountain to the south of me and it to was glowing now I was it trouble, or so I thought.

I hit high gear, jetted from the truck, gear falling out of my bag (I dropped a battery, my remote trigger, a lens cap, a large lee 2 stop ND grad and who knows what else) and I'm sure I looked like a fool, lucky for me no one was watching, and ran as fast I could with a tripod and two cameras and bag, hanging off me. I even left the coat and gloves knowing that there would be no time to worry about getting cold.

I picked the first place along the lake that would allow me access and where I could get around the bush, I poked through it, opened the tripd legs and plopped it down in the water, feet wet and all!

While I was late by a minute or two, the fact that I had seen the sky come and go like this before made me move as fast as possible knowing that I had only seconds before it went away. The whole event lasted about 5 minutes then it was all over just as fast as it arrived. . .

I took few deep breaths and let out a hoot that I'm sure woke the ranger and a few tourists in the campground. I was so happy I just jumped up and clicked my heals together like I was Mr. Bojangles. . . I then gathered up my gear and just went home. . .

Take care and happy shooting. . .
