OK, I'll try to get up there on the 17th. I have a Dobe to shoot, a Toy Poodle, 2 Danes, 2 Standard Poodles and by then the Rottie boy will have gone home. He just took his fourth Group 1 in 4 consecutive shows. I'll send some pics. Really like him both as a show dog and as a dog. Very, very sweet.

Keep an eye on the weather: as usual, a cold front is moving through this Wednesday and the highs on Thursday are predicted to be in the high 60s. The show sight is high on a hill and is ALWAYS cold and windy this time of year. One year, the highs only reached the mid-40s. They brought in heaters and put them in tents as heating stations!

Tomorrow and Wednesday I have Dane Specialties to shoot and then the shows move to Brooksville. I'll keep you posted on weather conditions but don't necessarily assume we'll be sunny and warm. Although today was in the 80s.

We'll cheer for Dot if you need us to. We are a great cheering section and I can bring in some heavy woo woo-ers so let me know .

If it's cool, I'll definitely bring Rowdy. He's been giving me the evil eye these past few days when we've left for the shows. He's of the opinion he should be going with us.

More later. Can't wait to actually meet you in person!


Jim Garvie