...a few other article links:

Another obit with a short, but nice, bio:
Jean Keene, known as the "Eagle Lady," lived in a campground on the Homer Spit since her relocation to Alaska in 1977. Jean began feeding a pair of eagles on the Spit shortly after her arrival. She worked for a seafood plant where she had permission to gather surplus and freezer burned fish for the eagles. After ten years, more than 200 eagles were coming by Jean's place for breakfast. Jean loaded fish into barrels and then into her pickup for the short drive home. Before she doled out fish to the eagles, she chopped them into smaller chunks making it easier for them to carry. Jean fed 200 to 300 eagles about 500 lbs. of fish daily from late December through mid April.

From Naturescapes Website:
"I don't get excited too often about things; I'm a fairly steady guy who takes things in stride. Not much surprises me so when I’m surprised, it's a big deal. Photography is no different. When I go to a location that stuns me, take notice. It doesn't happen often, but Homer, Alaska in winter is one of those places."