I don't mind the thought of having to show proof of personal liability insurance. I think that could only be a GOOD thing. I wouldn't even mind the $40 press pass fee(they'd have to give something to hang on you to show you paid)

I don't know how they are going to enforce it. They need to have it stated in their premium lists to begin with so it isn't a shocker when you get there.

Unless they can figure out a way to enforce it and get compliance, it will be interesting. I can't see the purchasing a whole policy rider JUST for a club though. A personal policy of at least 1m in coverage ought to suffice. I think their personal idemnity coverage is the only real sticky point I have

I shot one setter at the setter ring and was very mindful about not picking up or pointing my camera at any but that one bitch(who was beautiful by the way!)

I have decided I am not working on spec anymore and if a club adds this fee to me, I will directly tell a client they must pay it, or split it with whatever clients I am shooting as an addition to my shooting fee.