
The paper Julie mentioned is background paper, As you can see, there are many colors and widths to choose from. 53" is probably wide enough for your purposes. Although you can reuse it, it is a disposable material and can get expensive if you need to discard after every use. White is the most problematic in this regard.

Hi Barbra,
There have been a lot of good suggestions for you. I notice that you are in NY. I am too. I think I have some background paper in storage that I will probably never use and I can donate it if you can pick it up. I would also be willing to show you a few tricks based on your comments that will get you better pictures. My main office is in West Hempstead,NY on Long Island. Pet Photography is my only business and along with my staff, we have photographed over 50,000 pets. Here is a recent interview in Newsday http://www.newsdaypetpages.com/articles.php?articleID=12

I don't know how to imbed an image here so I attached a picture.


Attached Files
20854-kitchair.jpg (40 downloads)
Last edited by FarleyDog; 02/25/09 06:27 AM.