Death Valley National Park News:
Boy dies after getting stranded in Death Valley
An 11-year-old boy died in the intense heat of Death Valley National Park after he and his mother became stranded in one of the world's most inhospitable areas and survived for several days on bottled water, Pop-Tarts and cheese sandwiches, authorities said Friday.

Grand Canyon National Park News:
Grand Canyon plan would upgrade tribal housing
A Grand Canyon housing area for members of an American Indian tribe displaced by the national park is in desperate need of repair.

The President and First Family will visit Grand Canyon National Park next weekend
During today's press briefing at the White House, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced that President Obama and the First Family will be visiting Grand Canyon National Park next weekend.

Yellowstone National Park News:
Obama to visit Yellowstone
President Obama and the first family will visit Yellowstone National Park on Aug. 15 as part of a three-day, four-state swing through the West, White House Press Secretary Robert Gates said Friday.

Yellowstone’s grizzly bears and other wildlife at risk from climate change
Imagine Yellowstone National Park without grizzly bears roaming through its forests. Or desert bighorn sheep missing from the landscape of Arches or Canyonlands.