I have been up all night long (it's 4am now) with three very sick elderly sanctuary bunnies and am ready to collapse so I will not be able to make the photog luncheon unfortunately! I have to keep an eye on one all day tomorrow or we might lose her.

Hopefully I'll be able to go another time.

I just received an offer from a client to sponsor a project that will take a couple of years to complete and so I can't sell anything now!!!! I told her I was going to do that and she presented it right away, I have no deadline. I'll be posting about it here later on as it gets underway as I'm able to work on it when my husband has downtime and I can work on it with his help.

However, I have to evaluate if I will need the large Civichrome backgrounds as I am not sure yet if I will.

Take care all.


Inspired By Paws