
Very cool shots!

Did you find that you were tracking over dunes that you later looked and as potential subjects? I mean, was it hard to get to sertatin locations without messing up the sand first? I guess you could make it part of your composition, but did you really have to be smart about your approach?

Hey Tony,

Absolutely. If you trampled over your dunes you want to photograph, well. You know which creek you are up. I think that every time we wanted to go out, we tried as best as possible to find a comfortable spot and work it.

My best photos came out on the second outting to the Dunes. By this time, I actually had an idea of what I was looking for and where I was going to shoot from. The first morning we were out, a person crossed in front of us - a group of photographers - and marched directly into the dunes that we were all obviously shooting in the direction of. That did not happen on the second outting.

I think the trick was to be out very early and to know exactly where we wanted to go. Also, very few people were out there at 5 AM...most came after sunrise had already hit. The lack of competitors for space also made things easier to photograph.
