This one was all about timing....had about a 5 min window for the colors and they were gone. Had one other photographer with me in the area. Right after the colors went away....4 cars screetched into the parking lot and 4 diffrent photographers rushed to set up but no colors came back for them. It pays to get up earlier than you think you need.

These next two are shots of Mt. Hood you will probably never see from anyone else. As a City of Portland employee I was helping out the Water Bureau. They rented me for a day from the IT department I work in to take pictures to update their database. I can't show you the pictures of the protected watershead you need access to get into, but on break times, I was able to capture Mt. Hood from an angle that not many people ever get to see. And since Mt. Hood is not protected, I can use them.

I think I am going to re-edit the 2nd one to get the green out of the sky....just noticed that.

The other one has some blown highlights, but that is how it looked to me while viewing it. I used a Split ND filter for this and shot RAW 14bit...but not able to recover the sky.

I have another pano of this that I will try out...but guessing it will be similar.

Hope you enjoy...
