Hi Scott,

Welcome to the forum. I want to echo Jim's thoughts. #2 and #3 are both very nice - though #3 is the real winner. I am also curious about how you post processed it. I just love the look.

The second shot of the puppies is really good. Having said that, this is the critique forum, and I am going to be knit-picky. The shot feels like the puppies are about to completely break on you and scatter into different directions. LOL, am I right, or were they just completely placid and I should sit down and just shut up?

The first one is nice, but I find that the shadow on the dog's face is in the 'not pronounced enough or too pronounced' area. Also, as Jim pointed out, the transition area between the rug and background looks a bit off.

Anyway, welcome! And please share a bit about the post processing on the boxer photo.
