Grand Canyon National Park News:
Grand Canyon archaeologists surprised at findings
Grand Canyon archaeologist Ian Hough reported to a crowd of local archaeologists, Grand Canyon hikers and enthusiasts that his team was surprised by artifacts and features recently unearthed at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Misc. National Park News:
Group Assails Coburn Gun Law for National Parks
A group of retired U.S. Park Service employees is warning that visitors at national parks will soon be seeing handguns and rifles at the nation’s parks because of a law sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Muskogee, last year.

Rocky Mountain National Park News:
Biologists check report of wolf pack in Colorado
Biologists working with the owners of a western Colorado ranch are trying to determine if wolves have settled there.

Colorado rancher hopes for wolves
Here's what we in the news business would call a man-bites-dog story. A western Colorado rancher is testing scat found on his land to determine whether wolves finally have returned to the state, and he's eager to get them back.

Voyageurs National Park to collar moose as it studies climate change
Collars will allow monitoring of movement

Yellowstone (and Grand Teton) National Park News:
Despite warnings, drivers hit park wildlife
Grand Teton National Park administrators say a 4-year campaign to prevent drivers from running over park wildlife has so far failed to stem the rate of collisions.