This may sound a bit lame, but in my one cheap community college photography class, we were challenged with taking 10 different pictures of 10 different things while standing in the same spot. As a result, one of my personal favorite pictures I have taken was from the first time I did this. Just some feathers caught in the grass at the edge of a creek (sorry I don't have a digital version to share). I went to this creek weekly for pictures, trying to get a nice sunset off the water or some duck and geese nesting, I was always focusing on other areas instead of straight down.

I still keep that assignment in mind when I'm on the trails trying to do my own personal NW Waterfall collection. I always aim to get the whole falls in the shot, but unique photos from weird angles or of objects I don't initially consider are a result of me challenging myself to redo that class assignment, and almost always result in a "Keeper"