
... Sometimes I think I should always have a camera with me, but how do you play soccer in 2 feet of snow with a dog and 50 lbs of camera gear around your body?

Isn't that always the way! So I looked for the answer a few months ago, and discussed it with a woman photographer friend with the same question, and we decided "handbag cameras" would be the way for us to go. Our gear might not run 50 lbs, but less muscle-mass etc .... . my friend now has an excellent small Canon P&S something on the resale market. And I bought a Panasonic FZ30. Now I love the Pana, but it has only had minimal use to what I intended. If anything is worth a shot, out comes the D70. Could just be a mind-set? Plus the Pana, although it fits the handbag and "always ready" mode, just seems too good to carry around risking getting damaged when photography is not the main purpose at the time. Can't justify it for the small amount of use it is given. So it will probably join my friend's "handbag camera" in the for-sale ads.

It seemed a good idea at the time, but now I still don't have the answer to catching those great moments. Maybe needed this nudge to persevere: will try to carry it with me a little more and use it a lot more before placing the ad.