Roman, I do have the RAW, I'll send it when I get home from work.

Spart, I have a hundred or so shots of this waterfall, many are tighter shots with more ideal weather conditions for doing the whole wisp thing. What caught my eye initially for this shot was, the day was cloudy, and for just a couple minutes the sun came out and was shining on the patch of grass growing on the rocks. I think by the time I got set up, some of the light had shifted to the waterfall as well and that's why the white is blown out. But because I have so many close up, I wanted a shot with that showed the whole shelf of rock, and included the sun lighting up this patch of grass with it kinda being dark everywhere else.

This could also be one of those situations where the camera can not pick up what the eye is seeing. I was mostly just choosing an image I had lying around that would be good for me to try the blend tutorial with, but maybe something with sky and horizon would be better to learn on.