These two darling girls and their parents have adopted one of Betty Boop's puppies. The joining of a family and a rescue dog gives us a feeling of joy and accomplishment.

We know that this will be a great home for the puppy. The girls are being home schooled by their mother and they had a series of very pertinent questions written out regarding the care of their new puppy.

Obviously, the mom expects to be the major caregiver to this puppy but, the girls will join in some of the chores as well as reaping the benefits of the puppy's love as he grows into a family friend and mascot.

So far, we have placed 15 of the 17 rescue puppies and fully expect to place the remaining two very shortly. Some of the mothers will take a longer time since, they are still frightened of interacting with people. Three of them spent their entire lives in cages at a puppy mill with no human contact. Two are eight years old and spent the entire time just producing puppies for their owners. It takes a while to modify behaviors which were learned over a dog's entire life. However, we see little improvements in their behavior which actually amount to major landmarks.

However, there is no time-table and they will have a loving home with us until we can modify their behavior and they are no longer afraid to receive and give love.