Acadia National Park News:
Fall foliage makes Bar Harbor a destination spot on travel website
Fall foliage makes Bar Harbor a destination spot on travel website
Foliage on Mount Desert Island has earned the Bar Harbor area a power ranking for spots to see fall colors.

Great Smoky Mountain National park News:
Birds of prey on display in the Smokies
Naturalist Doris Mager, also known as the Eagle Lady, will introduce the public to some of her favorite birds of prey during a program at the Mountain Farm Museum from 11 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park outside Cherokee.

Misc. National Park News:
Filmmaker Ken Burns partners with tour company to offer national park trips
Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, whose six-episode PBS series on the history of the national parks helped lure millions of viewers out of their living rooms and into the great outdoors, is partnering with Connecticut-based Tauck Tours to try and draw more.

Outside the US/Canadian Park System:
At Kaziranga, five elephants die in six days
As many as four wild elephants have died around the Kaziranga National Park within six days, ringing alarm bells among the authorities. A domestic elephant owned by the forest department died of cancer last week.

The Rebirth of Gorongosa National Park
Fifty years and three months ago, Mozambique's first national park was born. In making that decision, the Portuguese colonial government joined a worldwide 20th-century effort to ensure that at least some undeveloped landscapes stayed that way.

Yellowstone (and Grand Teton)National Park News:
Yellowstone crowds witness wolf-bison standoff
The day-and-a-half struggle between an ailing bison and a wolf in Yellowstone National Park came to an end about dusk on Tuesday.

Study finds wolves genetically diverse, dispersing
‘Pivotal’ research could change the wolf debate in the northern Rockies.
Wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains are genetically healthy and have migrated and bred successfully among subpopulations in central Idaho, greater Yellowstone and northern Montana, according to a new study.