The kids and I loaded up the puppies in a crate, took a little car ride to the studio and got 4 week photos. I have found 4 weeks to be the ideal age for this, as they aren't confident enough to be demons, but, they are big enough to not look like little lumps.

The trip ended up in drama, with me losing my keys to the point I had to call Larry to bring a second set and Tanis having a 103 fever. We got darn photos though!

I wanted them all looking at me, but, this was as close as the 4 shots I was able to get, got! It pretty much was a mass of falling puppies, so, we quit. Oh, and Tanis did all the staging and set design

This was another thought, but, everyone wanted to chew on the towels instead of look at me

The single shots were EASY. Its like 4-5 month old babies, EASY. The first two are girls, the rest are boys...



Blitz, one of my favorite males, but, probably going to a pet home because I don't think he will get all his eyerim pigment



Pac Man




The kids included. Poor Tanis, you can tell she feels awful