To add to what Jim is saying, timing and body language is so important and then just living the whole deal is what keeps it all together. McGuire will still put his teeth on Tanis(no biting,just telling her "You can't tell me what to do) but, he would NEVER do so to Larry or I. He is a whippet though and the implications of his behavior are lessor than a larger more powerful dog. He also only does it in response to her dragging him around. He looks around for me when he does, as he knows he is not supposed to do it.

Cesar Milan is actually very good. He is just not one that everyone can emulate in a correct fashion. He is who he is and his natural personality adds to his success. I don't agree with all he does and says, but, for the most part he has a good handle on dog behavior.

Then you have the click treat cookie cookie believer that feel that the only way is positive reinforcement. I don't believe it for my kids nor for the dogs.

Again, I don't want to give advice on how to handle the situation because I am not there and I don't know a fraction of the whole picture.

Puppies, like kids, test the waters of what they can get away with. Like kids, each one has a different way of needing to be dealt with. I cannot discipline my son the same way I do my daughter, as he is a softer hearted person and she is much more stubborn.

Anyone who thinks there is not pack order among all beings needs to sit in a field and watch a herd of horses, hang out in a schoolyard and watch the kids, go to a dinner party and observe the guests or watch a litter of puppies and see how they behave. All beings ascribe to pack order. we all must establish our place, whether dog, cat, horse, or human.