there is philosophy and there is experience. Anybody who has had a number of dogs in their household and does not see inter-species hierarchical dynamics is blind.

As for what techniques have been debunked, stern discipline has not whether it's verbal or light physical and alpha rolls and scruff shakes are an essential part of canine dominance. You personally may not like that, but that doesn't make it untrue or unacceptable when used by someone that really understands when -- and when not -- to use it.

It is not "barbaric" to use force when necessary with dogs that both understand it and can tolerate it physically and psychologically. Again, it might not be in your bag of preferences but that doesn't mean it doesn't work for others.

My two main breeds have been Golden Retrievers and Rotties. I've had some very tough Goldens over the years that needed to understand their role in our household -- which is in fact a pack -- and I've had some incredibly sweet Rotties that needed to be encouraged to move into their role. Our primary training tool is love and reward. Which is why our dogs love us. But they also need to obey us and that's our job to teach them. We've been doing it for 40 years. All the philosophizing in the world is not going to debunk reality.


Jim Garvie