Everglades National Park News:
A Snake Invasion? Debating the Risks
In Sunday’s paper, I write about the controversy over the federal government’s move to ban imports of nine species of snake and their transport across state lines. Its decision was based largely on a risk assessment by two government scientists of the impact those snakes could have on native ecosystems.

Great Smoky Mountain National Park News:
More snowfall predicted
Beginning tonight and lasting through Monday evening, Blount County is under a winter storm watch, forecasters said.

Misc. National Park News:
Park service waives fees on 17 days
The National Park Service has said it will waive admission fees on 17 dates in 2011.
The National Park Service has said it will waive admission fees on 17 dates in 2011.

Yellowstone Bison Corralled For Release Outside Park
A plan to expand the range of Yellowstone National Park's buffalo herd comes under fire. Could the roaming bison spread disease to cattle outside park boundaries?
Wildlife officials corralled 23 bison near Gardiner, Mont. this week as part of a goal to allow bison to roam outside Yellowstone National Park boundaries. Officials want to collect at least 60 buffalo, test them for brucellosis and select 25 healthy animals to be released onto loaned land outside Yellowstone, park spokesman Al Nash said.

Yellowstone Breaks Visitor Attendance Record
Good news for the region, Yellowstone National Park has once again broken its yearly attendance record.