Thanks for looking and making comments fellas. . .

I'll make this as short but complete as I can.

full frame with a 17-35 2.8 shot at f/18 iso 100, 1/250 or 1/320 . . . shot at 17 thus the distortion of the gun barrel.

three lights, sun for backlight, photographers right sb-900 full 1/1 triggered wireless, attached to a tree with a home made clamp built for attaching to trees . . . third light was on camera at 1/32 for fill. Some were shot with just the sb900 and no on camera.

camera and flashes all set manually. due to the power of the sun, you have to shoot this in manual and you have to have your lights close or if you use larger lights, you need extra power packs, snoots, stands, etc to control the light.

the compositions all had purpose, so they are fine. . . the antlers are for rattling in white tail bucks, it's a popular method of attracting deer during the rut and prior to.

processed in lightroom - using a lot of trial and error.

The truth is that there's always a lot of trial and error. One thing nice about the lcd is instant feedback. . . and having a very cooperative model helps. . .
