Hey George,

Thanks for the feedback. Absolutely. RSS will definitely be incorporated on the website. Here is the plan I have so far:

(1) I need to get the front page up and operational. RSS will definitely be part of that.
(1a) I need to begin publishing material again. I have Julie Poole's Interview as well as an article from Helmi Flick.
(2) I need to get the pro forum up and running. When that does, Jim Poor has volunteered to help moderate it (Yeah, Jim!).
(3) I need to begin cataloging all of the older articles and begin putting them on-line.

A lot to be done - and if folks have feedback for other ideas for the site, don't be afraid to launch them at us. By the time we are done, I am sure that we will be prime for the UBB 8.0 upgrade, which will make us going through a similar (but I hope) smaller period of chaos.
