one of my specialties . . . the goats are down finding food that's for sure . . . as snow bound a critter as we think they are, they dont like snow much. It's not so much the depth of the snow, but the location and type of snow that's driven them down this early. The snow is crusted and or iced over their food so they've come down to eat. If the wind had blown the food source off, as it almost always does, they would likely not be down the early. . . they will leave as soon as their food source is available. Then, as you know, they will return to munch the first green shoots of spring and lick salt . . .
Keep them coming. . . Go back and see if you can get some shots of the billy's playing or the kids jumping around, i'd live to see what those goats look like in more detail.

Gota love them goats, try these out Mountain Goats

And maybe this link Rocky Mountain Big Game