Was cleaning up the new yard today and noticed a number of flowers and other flora that I hadn't really paid a lot of attention to over the past few weeks. We've been working primarily on the inside of the house so the yard, while a great place for the dogs, has not gotten a lot of our attention.

The first thing I noticed were the two Kumquat trees at the back of the property absolutely laden with ripening fruit. I picked a few and enjoyed the sweet, lemony/orangey taste. In a week, the fruit should be perfect for making preserves and some Kumquat liqueuer.

Along the North side of the yard where there are large Oaks and Pines and not much sun, I photographed a couple of clumps of lovely blue flowers.

On the South side, I noticed a clump of Lantana and enjoyed it's sweet fragrance.

And along the back porch, I noticed some Morning Glories.

Yesterday's rain really brought a lot of the flowers and shrubs into bloom and it was fun to both enjoy it and to photograph it. Enjoy our Spring in Orlando. I understand it will be visiting other parts of the world in a few weeks grin.


Jim Garvie