Thanks, Jims. It was a ridiculous situation, and one I will not get myself into again. I wanted to take the pups outside, but the owner said they were not vaccinated yet, so she wouldn't. The woman "helping" me, didn't understand that she was supposed to stay out of the freakin' shot. I got tired of telling her that. They kept putting the other dogs upstairs, but gee wiz!!! They kept screaming, "Who let the dogs back down??" Well, duh.......

Essentially, I just gave up, got a few shots that were acceptable, even if not by your standards, which admittedly I'm not there anyway, and blew out of there. The images are on my website, and she'll pay for those portraits. Whatever. I sure hope my next shoot will be better, and I will insist on some things. If not possible, then screw it.... I'll just leave.

Every time I do a shoot like this, I learn something new. I've also learned that aside from the great shots that you all get, which I hope to achieve some day, people don't seem to really care that much. They want shots of their beloved pets, and don't have the eye or knowledge to critique them in any meaningful way. Having said that, I refuse to make it a habit to shoot substandard images. I do have some self respect after all. :-)

Again, thanks.