much better . . . using a laptop for post processing, as you know, is like trying to kill a dear with #6 shot at 100 yards from that shotgun . . . I'll add a few things about composition. That shot is in the "not enough or too much" category; meaning the shooting is not really in the shot, but he's not really out of it, it's in between and youre confusing the viewer - ME. I cant tell what he's sitting on and it's a completely unconventional position. The dog is however alert, that's nice! Therefore based on composition it's a shot that I would not send to an editor. You should consider cropping the guy out and putting the focus on the dog and gun etc, or putting the shooter back in the frame. . . the 90 profile is mostly a no no as well . . . we need to seen angles in action shots, not static 90 profiles . . . put some angle in that shot and focus on the subject more! I cant really tell what it is youre trying to show us. I have a simple attention span, and need to have one maybe two things going on but for sure i want you to spoon feed me - make me see what you want me to see. . . I can handle to some extent using my imagination, but this looks like en editorial shot so it's got to tell a story that adds to the content of the over all story. If it's a stand alone shot it looses me fast cuz it's confusing . . . take a look at these and tell me if your confused ( You may wonder what he's thinking, but they are complex images with lots of elements, but they also are simple and have a story. You can imagine all you want but there's a theme and it's clear . . . Cropping into a person is okay if you have a purpose for it. In your case it looks like you either did it as a mistake or you were trying to be artsy - nether worked for me. . .