Originally Posted By: Marty Everhard
Those are, incredible. Excellent works. Great timing. Got any more?

I shot about about 2,500 frames in the two days we were on the water. The weather was dicey, and there were times when the boat was pitching in 7-10 feet swells. Honestly, I was wondering when the Coast Guard was going to be called to rescue us. And, because I was holding the camera, I was bracing against the railings with my body. Needless to say, I was ridiculously bruised by the time the trip was over. Lots of images were compromised by movement of the boat, and the skies were not bright, so shooting a faster shutter speeds was difficult, at best. We just fired away at full capacity, sometimes frustratingly filling the camera buffer and forcing a few seconds of down time during critical times. But, I was thrilled with what I got. I was thrilled to be out there. I happily deleted over a thousand frames. Stand by. I'll post a few more. smile