Hi ya'll I'm sorry I haven't been the best forum member. I've been concentrating on my photography skills in general by taking a few workshops and now I am finally trying to use some of that knowledge and apply it to my dream goal... pet photography. For those who probably don't remember my initial post months ago.. I am a vet with a photog habit - its safer than barrel racing now that I have kids! wink

Any way.. I have a soft heart and thus a LOT of pets, all clinic throw-aways. I realized I couldn't take any more in and using my passion for photography in order to help make these rescues get noticed and hopefully adopted has ignited a great spark within me.

These are from a recent "session" I did. My posting of my rescue images has even scored me a paid session inquiry or two. Not my main goal... but it helps fund the equipment!

332294_10150308534594544_823129543_7836011_534303136_o by drpotter_2807, on Flickr

286402_10150308534934544_823129543_7836014_1950069302_o by drpotter_2807, on Flickr

320012_10150308535094544_823129543_7836015_1005658689_n by drpotter_2807, on Flickr

Thanks for looking! I look forward to getting more active on this forum!


Last edited by drpotter2807; 09/10/11 07:06 PM.