I believed what you said was what you clarified for me. I just wanted to make sure I did not read this as a double negative. Knowing that you have been involved with rescue, I thought that is what you meant. And I agree with you!

Having been involved with a shelter and purebred dogs, I am disappointed how polarized some of the people have become. Some rescue people believe that we should not breed anymore dogs since there are so many to rescue. And of course we know there are some miserable breeders that we would like to put out of business. Many breeds need some serious revamping in order to correct major health issues. Working on both sides of the fence one can clearly see both sides of the issues.

Your statement of "Personally, I don't think anybody who breeds cannot be involved in Rescue." sounded that if you breed you cannot be involved with Rescue, but I wanted you to make sure your point was made in the way that I felt you believe. Thanks

Congrats on the lovely new litter.

Peggy Sue