Originally Posted By: debduco
Also, I did not clone out the leash/caribiner because I was short on time. Normally I would have done so, especially if it was for a client, absolutely.

I appreciate everyones advice. I will try and post an image every week. I just dont have lots of spare time running a business and working full time. Ughhhh

Hi Debbie,

I didn't want to say that you should clone out the leash etc. I never ever do clone out anything. From my point of view, photography is about capturing a moment of reality. So if I've taken a picture with anything on it I don't like - like a leash or something disturbing in the background - I live it or try do get a second chance for the picture.

But that's just me, don't want to say that cloning out something is something nehative.

It's a long way to tip a rary