Originally Posted By: FretlessD

I hope you didn't find my reply "too much". I was tired after a long day and the portion of my brain which tells me to think before I speak was turned off. I am glad that you have open eyes as you approach this avenue.

Never Doug, I appreciate the words of advice. It's always great to hear from someone who speaks the truth based on their past experiences. I've considered it, and true they are not paying me enough and Jim is correct in pointing out someone who stands in line for a free photo isn't likely to purchase a private session but it could lead to someone who might. I'll do the Halloween photo and go from there. It should be fun, exciting and a learning experience regardless and it's something that I wanted to test out anyhow. I'm pretty excited and optimistic about it!

And as my one good friend pointed out to me yesterday, do it this year, because next year I might be so busy with bookings that this type of store thing will be more of a nuisance and I won't do it. But then again, I might like it too!