Well, since I've posted my entry in the October Challenge, I thought I'd share a few of the outtakes with Mr. Red. Taking cute candids of puppies is relatively easy: you sit and watch & wait and when the moment comes, you capture it. Formal sessions where you have a specific image in mind are a bit more difficult and take lots of luck, cooperation from the model, extra helping hands and tons of patience. Here are some of the other shots we got.

Here's a glamor shot with Red Boy in repose.

And the I'm So Cute pose.

That hat didn't stay on his head all that long.

But he thought it would work out great for Trick or Treating this evening. Just put the candy in the hat please smile.

With that quick shoot out of the way, we are now ready (!!??) for the 2012 Calendar shoot scheduled for tomorrow. Hope to pick up some additional patience pills today wink.


Jim Garvie