Hi all,
The first week of October we headed to Cades Cove and spent 2 days there, photographing the entire time! The first day was spent photographing along the Laurel Falls trail, and along the Little River Road. The second day was spent completely in Cades Cove photographing the mountains, wildlife, rivers and some of the buildings. We had so much fun, we did not want to leave! My only regret is that we did not actually stay in Cades Cove, and we drove around the Cove instead of biking or hiking. When you go on the tour in a vehicle, the park does not open til 8am, so I missed the sun coming up in some of the spots. Overall, though, I am happy with some of the images taken.
Hope you enjoy these!

Image #1-This was taken along the Little River Road.

Image #2-This was also taken along the Little River Road, but closer to Laurel Falls area.

Image #3-Wood Aster-taken on the Laurel Falls walking trail.

Image #4-Yellow Ragwort-This was also taken on the Laurel Falls walking trail.

Image #5-River's Edge-Also taken along the Little River Road.

Image #6-Momma and baby deer. This was taken in the first official stop in Cades Cove.

Image #7-Autumns Path-Taken in Cades Cove as well.

Image #8-Back Eddy-Taken behind Cable Mill. I was lucky enough to also capture the eddy.

Image #9-Cable Mill-