I had a feeling we might be in for a discussion about this. I am not in it for preventing you from hanging your head out a window. That is your choice. But just because a dog or a child likes to do something that does not mean it is good for them. Yes running at 35 mph is something that can be done but usually it is not sustained for long periods of time on highways where stones can fly at them.

I do not believe this is a recent thing on being afraid from doing fun things. I know of a man who has a false elbow from placing his arm on the window while he drives. Just yesterday I almost had my mirror removed from my truck as another truck wandered out of his lane into mine. Had one of my dogs had their heads out of the window, major injury would have taken place.

So, you can certainly have fun doing what you want. I have the right to express my anxiety about it. If I were to allow my pups to do what you enjoy, at the very least I would have googles on them. Sorry you are tired of others opinions not agreeing with yours.

Peggy Sue